Tool 10 – Cross Functional Teams, Engagement Objectives and Iterative Consultation
This brings together all the tools in the Assessment section to engage cross-functional teams and build water stewardship into internal structures and processes. It also aids proper identification of stakeholder issues and concerns.
Step Guide
Engage cross-functional teams in risk and vulnerability assessment
Build water stewardship into internal structures and processes
Clarify objectives of the engagement process
Define stakeholder participation process
Consult stakeholders to hold a repeat participation process to identify issues and perceptions
Considerations for each of the steps:
Step 1 –
- Bring together representatives from key parts of the organisation to participate in collective risk assessment processes
- Use internal risk assessment procedures where relevant
Step 2 –
- Establish governance structures for water stewardship and risk assessment
- Incorporate water stewardship into strategies, plans and procedures
- Incorporate water stewardship into relevant roles and responsibilities
- Incorporate water stewardship in to key performance indicators
Step 3 –
- Inform external stakeholder groups of your role and clarify your interests in engaging with them
- Listen to their perspectives and understand their expectations of your role, and the results of engagement
Step 4 –
- Develop a clear stakeholder engagement plan, stating which forum
- Define the objectives for engagement and frequency of interaction
- Define key indicators of progress or challenges
Step 5 –
- Initiate consultation with stakeholders to understand their issues and perceptions
- Several consultation sessions should be conducted to ensure trust is built; various stakeholders should be consulted and all issues are addressed