Supporting good practice in the mining and metals industry

ICMM Guidance

Guiding market leaders in the mining and metals industry to successfully implement sustainable, ethical and effective principles to protect and preserve our planet.


Mining is essential in the modern world; without minerals and metals our everyday life could not exist. ICMM positively approaches challenges within the mining and metals sector, supporting practices based on sustainability and fairness. Our guides contain toolkits specifically designed to help inform ICMM members and extractive companies in applying best practice in every aspect of their work. Each toolkit provides a step-by-step guide and clear, practical information to help companies implement responsible strategies and principles to ensure the mining and metals industry contributes in the progressive enhancement of our world.  

Building Forward Better

Practical tools and resources to help lay the pathways for building forward to a more resilient future post COVID-19.

Integrated Mine Closure

Aimed at advising mining companies through the iterative processes involved in integrated mine closure.

Mining and Biodiversity

Created for mining professionals to improve biodiversity management and support understanding between mining and biodiversity specialists.

Catchment-Based Water Management

Outlining clear approaches for identifying, evaluating and responding to catchment-based water related risks.

Indigenous Peoples and Mining

This toolkit helps companies avoid impacting negatively on communities and to leave a positive legacy.

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

The tools can be used to help maintain safety and security whilst ensuring respect for human rights and humanitarian law.

Community Development Toolkit

20 tools developed to support mining companies in promoting sustainable community development.

Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit

An aid for companies to achieve positive and resilient rapports with their host communities.

Demonstrating Value

Helping ICMM members understand and respond to external responsible sourcing, and to improve their own sustainable procurement practices.

Catchment-Based Water Management

This guide advises on all aspects of understanding and managing external water-related risks in line with ICMM’s water stewardship principles.

Water is a vital resource for all mining and metals operations, used in every process. Without water there can be no mining. The foundations of successful risk management is based on comprehending the full suite of water issues within a catchment, and finding solutions that consider not only the business but other water users within an area of operation. This practical guide and toolkit aims to outline a comprehensive and systematic approach for catchment-based water-related risks, prompting ICMM members and other interested industry stakeholders to develop their water strategies and plans in accordance with the local context and hydrology in which mining and metals operations take place.

“Through collaborating or partnering with others to mitigate shared risks, address shared impacts and effect the responsible management of water resources, the industry has an opportunity to play a leadership role in local water catchments where operations are located.”

Benefits of ICMM's Guidance Toolkits

The guidance toolkits have been designed to be an easy-to-use and engaging, digital aid for site level staff and the host communities they interact with, as well as for governments, regulators and other regional level stakeholders. Key information from each of the ICMM publications is showcased in individual microsites, using accessible language presented in bite-sized chunks. To guide individuals through processes, step by step guides have also been included. The toolkits are available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

About Us ICMM

In collaboration with 27 mining and metals companies and over 30 regional and commodities associations, ICMM is an international organisation committed to creating a just and sustainable mining and metals industry. Our eight position statements and 10 principles underpin our best practice framework on sustainable development, ensuring to support local communities, societies and ecosystems dependent upon and affected by, the mining and metals industry. Through principles based on collaboration, accountability and commitment we believe the mining and metals industry can positively and responsibly contribute to the progression and protection of our planet.