Outil 7 – Comprendre les problèmes liés à l’eau dans le bassin versant

Cet outil permet de bien comprendre les caractéristiques du bassin versant et la façon dont elles sont susceptibles d’évoluer au fil du temps.

Guide en plusieurs étapes


Assess the biophysical character of the element

  • Is the water demand and availability in balance?
  • Are there challenges associated with the catchment’s hydrological characteristics?
  • What is the quality of surface water and groundwater in the catchment?


Clarify the regulatory and institutional framework

  • What is the national, regional and local institutional and regulatory environment?
  • What is the capacity of the regulator, management institutions and utilities to deliver effective services?
  • Is the water allocation supported by adequate infrastructure?


Evaluate the socioeconomic and ecological aspects of the catchment

  • What are the development objectives of the catchment?
  • Do all water users have access to adequate quality water?
  • What are the economic activities, ecosystems and socially and culturally sensitive areas in the catchment?

Les meilleurs conseils :

  • Download (p32) further considerations and resources to help Step 1.

    Download (p33) further considerations and resources to help with Step 2.

    Download (p34) further considerations and resources to help with Step 3.

Communauté, Économie, Environnement, Éthique professionnelle, Gestion, Restauration

Comprendre les enjeux relatifs à l’eau dans le bassin versant

Exemple hypothétique de compréhension et de recherche de solutions aux risques liés à l’eau dans le bassin versant