Tool 3 – Consultation Matrix

Once all the steps in tool 2 have been completed, it is then necessary to plan how and when you intend to consult with stakeholders. The consultation matrix tool helps you create a plan that works with all the needs from different groups of stakeholders, keeps you up-to-date with forthcoming meetings and records what has been previously discussed. Keeping records using an electronic stakeholder database (p161) ensures information does not get lost or forgotten and all stakeholders are consulted and listened to on a regular basis.

Step Guide


List key stakeholders taken from tool 2


Use consultation matrix to identify best consultation methods for each stakeholder or group


Create consultation table summarising the selected methods


Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your consultation activities


Record consultations to keep track of progress. When agreements have been made, it is advisable to record and sign them; retaining a copy for yourselves and providing the stakeholders with their own

Top Tips:

    • consult often and not just when you require something
    • consult everyone who wants to talk
    • listen as much as you talk
    • record all comments and responses in a database, including your own
    • be responsive to issues raised and actions arising from consultations
    • register any commitments made and review them regularly

Community, Economics, Environment, Ethical Business, Management, Rehabilitation

Pre-operational implementation of HSEC processes

BHP Billiton’s IndoMet Coal Project (IMC) has taken a comprehensive and integrated approach to developing health, safety, environment and community (HSEC) practices and processes while still in the exploration and feasibility study stages of the project.



IFC, Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets, Washington DC, 2007. Available at:

Zandvliet, L. and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community Relations Work, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, 2009, especially Chapter 9.