Tool 5 – Motivate a Team, Assess Governance, Identify Stakeholders, Clarify Concerns and Aspirations
This brings together all the tools in the Awareness section to help internal resources, and internal structures and processes achieve successful outcomes. It also assists in understanding who stakeholders are and the risks and opportunities of partnering.
Step Guide
Motivate and align a cross-functional team
Assess internal governance structures
Assess internal process
Map the relevant stakeholders in the catchment
Understand local practices, customs and beliefs around water resources
Evaluate existing stakeholder forums and identify opportunities for dialogue and collaboration
Clarify aspirations and concerns of key stakeholders
Considerations for each of the steps:
Step 1 –
- Develop a team with a combination of skills; do they need to be trained in business functions?
- Ensure roles and responsibilities have been designated
- Create a simple team charter, a set of objectives and criteria for evaluating success
Step 2 –
- Consider the effectiveness of the company’s structure for managing water
- Obtain executive sponsorship and buy-in from senior executives
- Discuss key decision points, required resources and long-term timeframes
- Establish a water stewardship advocate
Step 3 –
- Assess current internal understanding
- Identify gaps/barriers
Step 4 –
- Establish water users in the catchment area
- Utilise ICMM’s Stakeholder Identification and other community development tools found in ICMM’s Community Development Toolkit and also The IFC’s A Strategic approach to early stakeholder engagement
Step 5 –
- Assess stakeholders’ current understanding of the catchment and what activities can impact water access and quality
- Assess stakeholders’ understanding of mining processes and how they relate to water use in the catchment
Step 6 –
- Consider how information on water issues is shared and whether there is a need to develop a training program
Step 7 –
- Establish stakeholders’ expectations of the engagement process, the operation and ensure early opportunities for engagement