Element 8 – Closure Execution Plan

While the closure plan describes the actions that will be carried out as part of implementing site closure, a closure execution plan (CEP) identifies activities and resources required during the mine life to support planning and implementation of closure.

The CEP should establish clear lines of authority and responsibility for implementing actions. The most detailed portion of the plan will address actions for the near term, identifying budget and staffing requirements.

Undertakings might include:

  • The required engineering, environmental or socioeconomic studies, trials, assessments and monitoring to fill key gaps in the knowledge base and ascertain closure risks and mitigation measures
  • The communication of the closure strategies/objectives so that key stakeholders are kept informed and engaged in the process
  • Progressive closure opportunities/activities
  • Review of monitoring and inspection data; incorporating it in to the knowledge base to inform future closure planning
  • Determining when it is necessary to have a final executable closure plan

Top Tips:

  • Execution plans can be developed to address specific domains described in Tool: The Domain Model, such as applicable legislation, risk assessments, mitigation and post-closure land use for each domain.

Tool: Closure Plan Documentation

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