Element 2 – Closure Vision, Principles and Objectives

The aims of the closure plan are set out through its underlying vision, principals and objectives.

While the closure vision provides direction for closure, and the principals offer a general framework, the closure objectives provide concrete, site-specific, and typically measurable statements.

Both the closure vision and closure objectives should be informed by the knowledge base, particularly the mine’s zone of influence, socioeconomic and environmental context, stakeholder relationships, country-specific requirements and other external drivers. These factors should lead to a closure vision and closure objectives that are aligned with the characteristics of the corporation and the mine and appropriate to the socioeconomic setting.

Closure vision

The closure vision (p17) provides a high-level aspirational description of what an operation or company and stakeholders want to achieve through implementation of the closure plan.

Closure principles

Closure principles (p17) are general in nature and are typically applicable to a wide range of sites and conditions.

Closure objectives

Closure objectives (p18) provide concrete, site-specific and typically measurable statements of what closure activities or measures aim to achieve.

Top Tips:

  • Involve key affected stakeholders in the closure plan development and keep the broader set of external stakeholders informed and updated on progress towards mine closure. Leaders, including government and traditional or indigenous community leaders should be engaged in the development of the plans as the ultimate aim is for community members and relevant government stakeholders to develop and take ownership in the outcomes of closure.

  • Consider post-closure land use in the development of both the closure vision and site-specific closure objectives. Involve internal and external stakeholders early in the consideration of possible post-closure land uses.

Tool: Objective Setting

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