Herramienta 6: definir el límite funcional de la operación e identificar los principales problemas

Esta herramienta ayuda a definir el límite funcional de la operación minera o de metales e identificar dónde las partes interesadas de las áreas perciben que la empresa tiene influencia.

Guía paso a paso


Download the Excel-based action register (p28) to help with recording responses to the questions and prompts in the Assessment step of this guide


Define the functional boundary of the mining or metals operation by:

  • Evaluating the physical characteristics of the hydrological system
  • Identifying environmental, social, economic and institutional systems operating within the catchment
  • Identifying the areas that stakeholders perceive the company has influence over including catchments associated with the upstream water supply and groundwater aquifers that cross catchment boundaries – relevant if boreholes are being used


Identify stakeholder concerns and perceptions:

  • Map stakeholders
  • What are the local stakeholder concerns for the catchment?
  • Are any of the local stakeholder concerns linked with the operation’s activities?
  • What is the nature of stakeholder perceptions?
  • Which areas do stakeholders perceive the operation to have influence over?

Los mejores consejos:

  • Download (p29) further considerations and resources to help Step 2.

    Download (p30) further considerations and resources to help with step 3.

Comunidad, Economía, Entorno, Ética empresarial, Gestión, Medio ambiente, Negocio ético, Rehabilitación

Definir el alcance de la cuenca

Un ejemplo hipotético de revisar y probar los pasos propuestos para definir el alcance de una cuenca