Tool 20 – Respond to Private Security Provider Misconduct

On occasions, even the most well managed private security deployment can be challenged by misconduct.

  • Issues can range from sleeping on the job, to inappropriate use of force and violations of international humanitarian law
  • All situations are different
  • While all allegations must be formally recorded, not all require a formal investigation
  • When an investigation is required, the company should dedicate the necessary resources so it is handled effectively and communicated to the appropriate parties
  • Upon findings, the company may need to take disciplinary or remedial actions to prevent similar incidents in the future

There is also a useful reference and guidance tool, which describes typical challenges that companies may encounter as they work with private security providers on the implementation of the VPs.

Step Guide


Download the Action Planning worksheet 4.4 (p56)


Review the suggested tasks in the first column


Evaluate the suggested action items in the second column, in light of the desired outcomes in column three


Use these suggestions to help create an action plan for responding to private security provider misconduct


Download and consider the Challenges in Dealing with Private Security Providers worksheet 4.5 (p57), it has been designed to be a useful reference and guidance tool but by no means, is the list exhaustive