Tool: Considerations in Developing Closure Activities for Domain-Specific Issues

At the most basic level, the physical components of a mining operation to be addressed in a closure plan are:

  • Mine voids: the openings generated by the mining of material, which include pits, subsidence areas, shaft openings and adits, and underground workings
  • Mine waste: waste material generated after the extraction of the ore, including processing by-products (such as tailings, spent heap leach material) and waste rock
  • Mine infrastructure: structures and facilities constructed to support mining activities, including elements such as processing facilities, offices, roads, pipelines, power supplies, culverts and laydown areas

Domain-specific issues are the physical components of a mining operation.

Step Guide


Look at considerations in developing closure activities for:


Consider issues surrounding mine waste including:


Closure activities for mine infrastructure (p118) are relatively standardised. They typical sequence of closure activities is often as follows:

  1. Compile an inventory
  2. Explore alternative uses
  3. Wind-down
  4. Isolation
  5. Decontamination
  6. Demolition/deconstruction
  7. Salvage
  8. Disposal
  9. Remediation
  10. Ground preparation

Top Tips:

  • Refer to the GARD Guide for appropriate protocols of geochemical characterisations of tailings.