Responsible Procurement at Mitsubishi Materials

Categories: Ethical Business, Management Tags: , , , , , ,

The vision of Mitsubishi Materials is to:

“become the world’s leading business group committed to supporting [a] recycling-oriented society through materials innovation, with use of our unique and distinctive technologies”.

Mitsubishi Materials believes that companies should take social factors, such as human rights and environmental considerations, into account at every stage of the process, from procuring raw materials through to supplying finished products. It has a set of corporate social responsibility (CSR) procurement standards aimed at encouraging and monitoring social and environmental awareness among raw material and product suppliers. Mitsubishi Materials also works with its suppliers to enforce sound chemicals management and is working on enhancing initiatives aimed at preventing complicity in human rights violations throughout the company’s global supply chain.

In 2014, Mitsubishi Materials’ targets and achievements for integrating CSR in procurement were:

  • Publication of CSR procurement guidelines on the company website resulting in an increase in awareness of the company’s CSR procurement standards among its suppliers
  • Development of an internal framework to address the issue of conflict minerals and the formulation and release of a company-wide policy related to this issue
  • Establishment of a standard point of contact for corporate customers to share information


Mitsubishi Materials